• White People Racist Jokes

    With so many racist jokes about black people on the internet, there are not many jokes on whites. So in this article I am going to leave a few of the best racial jokes on white people. These jokes will surely make you laugh and enjoy your time.
    But before leaving the jokes I would like to tell you that all the races are equal, the color of skin does not matter as much as you think. Consider everyone as an equal and fellow human being. I do not support racism and encourage you to not too. Although jokes are just for fun, so read and enjoy.
    Best White People Racist Jokes:-
    ⦁ Q:Why are asprins white?
    A: Because they work!
    ⦁ What do you call a bunch of white people in a elevator? A box of crakers.
    ⦁ What do you call a white man in the ghetto? A victim.
    ⦁ Q: What do you call a bunch of white guys sitting on a bench?
    A: The NBA.
    ⦁ When a White guy is… Scared- He gets even whiter. Cold- He turns Blue. Angry-He turns Red. Stoned- Gray duh. Sick- He turns Green. When a Black guy is… Scared- He stays Black. Cold- He stays Black. Angry- He stays Black. Stoned- He stays Black. Black Man to White Man: And you calling us colored.
    ⦁ Q: What’s the flattest surface to iron your jeans on?
    A: A white girl’s ass!
    ⦁ What do you call a white boy screaming as dragged down the highway behind a black man’s pickup truck?
    A white lane marker.
    ⦁ Q: What’s white and fourteen inches long?
    A: Absolutely nothing!
    ⦁ Q: What do you call a white bitch shaking her ass?
    A: An ironing board with massage features.
    ⦁ Q: What do you call a violent minority? A: A thug. Q: What do you call a violent white guy? A: Officer.
    ⦁ Q: What do you call a white woman with a yeast infection?
    A: Crackers with cheese.
    ⦁ Q: How does every black joke start? A: With the white guy looking over his shoulder.
    ⦁ Q: What’s the difference between a black guy and a white guy? A: A white guy can say “Hey Dad” and “Good morning officer” both.
    ⦁ Q: Why can’t white people swim? A: Cause they get soggy.
    ⦁ Q: How do white guys satisfy their wives?
    A: They hire a pool boy.
    ⦁ Q: What do you call a swarm of white individuals in Alabama?
    A: A lynching.
    ⦁ On the roof of a very tall building are four men; one is Asian, one is Mexican, one is black, and the last one is white. The Asian walks to the ledge and says, “This is for all my people” and jumps off the roof. Next, the Mexican walks to the ledge and also says, “This is for all my people”, and then he jumps off the roof. Next, is the black guy’s turn. The black man walks to the ledge and says, “This is for all my people” and then throws the white guy off the roof.
    This is it. If you find these white people jokes hilarious, then share the article with your friends so that they can also laugh as hard as you did.